Changelog v3.1
the mysterious number changed. what could it mean? theories suspect it's a countdown. many others
believe it's nothing more than an arbitrary number thats changes per the whims of some higher being.
who knows..? perhaps the answer lies within the discord... Chromatic Report
I am no longer ashamed of my own creation. I have been freed from the shackles of my own design.
2nd Febuary
Chromatic has been well, actually. I recently took a big break for Lunar New Year, and now that it's
over, the chains of work starts shackling me again. When will I be free. I just want to play video
Top Supporters
- Xeri
- Sheep
- Penjji
- laronalt1
- weegerzy
Thank you so much for your continued support!!!
can someone remind me to update this later?
Object, Unstoppable Force
Author: Tim!
Have that one friend that keeps asking for PvE builds? Here. Here it is. Everything. You're
that one friend? Click the god damned link.
Over 16 builds fitting for various scenarios and playstyle can be found on the builder Discord here!